Secrets Your Coffee Order Reveals About Your Personality
See this if coffee is vital to your morning routine: New research reveals what your favorite coffee order says about you. Cold and hot coffee users
differ in personality, travel habits, milk preferences, and music taste, according to a survey. Iced coffee lovers love Megan Thee Stallion.
The vegan California Farms-backed study used OnePoll to collect data from 2,000 frequent coffee users.
The following results were revealed from respondents' coffee orders, lifestyle behaviors, and personality traits:
"Cold brew and iced coffee drinkers are more likely to be Gen-Z (40%), binge-watch science fiction shows like Unsolved Mysteries (37%), and love sunny weather (40%).
Hot coffee drinkers are more likely to be extroverts (40%), love overcast weather (36%), appreciate comedy
series like Schitt's Creek (33%), hate Taylor Swift (24%), and be boomers (94% of whom want a hot cup of coffee).
According to the poll, iced coffee drinkers travel more and use Instagram than hot coffee drinkers, who prefer Facebook and travel less.
Fifty-nine percent of respondents said the COVID-19 epidemic had altered their coffee-drinking habits, and 46% said lockdown had encourage